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THE ADVENT EQUATION present «Live at Psicofonia Stud»

THE ADVENT EQUATION presentan su primer álbum en vivo ‘Live at Psicofonia Studio’. @theadventequation



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Mexicans THE ADVENT EQUATION are proud to present the release of their first live album, entitled «The Advent Equation: Live at Psicofonia Studio». The songs belonging to this work were recorded in recording sessions that the band made for different online festivals in Latin America.

Produced by The Advent Equation and Andrés Luna Ruiz Directed by: Andrés Luna Ruiz DOP: Fernando Gallegos First Assistant Photographer: Rodrigo Vaccari Color/VFX: Edgar Reyna Title Card Design: Marcelo Almaguer Produced, Mixed and Mastered by: Charles A. Leal at Psicofonia Studio

After the excellent reception of their second full-length Remnants of Oblivion, released in December 2020, the group considered the opportunity to record these songs, added to some of their debut Limitless Life Reflections, to give life to a material that exudes quality by where you look at it.


The end result is 1 hour of music full of energy, warmth and above all a lot of passion. A Mix and Master work by Charles A Leal, and supported by Concreto Records for its physical release (CD Digipack) this June 21, 2021. Orders can already be made to the label or to the band itself.

On the same day of the album’s release, The Advent Equation invites all its followers to broadcast the concert on its official YouTube channel, since on that date the series of three chapters will begin, which will be released individually and distributed throughout long three weeks. Don’t forget to follow the band on their official Spotify!

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TRACKLIST – «The Advent Equation: Live at Psicofonia Studio»Ignition
Patterns of Spiraling Reality
Remnants of Oblivion
Afterlife Evolutionary
Facing the Absolute
An Eternal Moment
Purification Lapse
A Violent Motion

THE ADVENT EQUATION – «Patterns of Spiraling Reality»
Regarding this release, guitarist Luis Gómez commented: “Our first live album is a very special feeling. The experience of doing it was very enriching, since as a band full of discipline and preparation to ensure the execution of each instrument is at the level of what the studio production already contains. At the same time, this is an album full of emotions that transmits the same essence and energy of what we feel when presenting our catalog live. Charles A Leal’s mixing and mastering managed to make each part sound rich, alive and full, allowing each track to vibrate and convey a chill of emotion. «

For his part, vocalist and bassist Margil H. Vallejo added: “This experience of a live album fills us with emotion and fulfillment. It is a culmination of effort and dedication to our work. When listening to the exquisite mix of Charles A Leal, you can’t help but smile and enjoy ”.

«The Advent Equation: Live at Psicofonia Studio» will be available from June 21, through the record label Concreto Records.


Regarding this release, guitarist Luis Gómez commented: “Our first live album is a very special feeling. The experience of doing it was very enriching, since as a band full of discipline and preparation to ensure the execution of each instrument is at the level of what the studio production already contains. At the same time, this is an album full of emotions that transmits the same essence and energy of what we feel when presenting our catalog live. Charles A Leal’s mixing and mastering managed to make each part sound rich, alive and full, allowing each track to vibrate and convey a chill of emotion. «

For his part, vocalist and bassist Margil H. Vallejo added: “This experience of a live album fills us with emotion and fulfillment. It is a culmination of effort and dedication to our work. When listening to the exquisite mix of Charles A Leal, you can’t help but smile and enjoy ”.


«The Advent Equation: Live at Psicofonia Studio» will be available from June 21, through the record label Concreto Records.


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